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PopApp is a compact workstation containing all the equipment needed to produce, display and sell artisan gelato in just a few square metres. A stage where the gelato maker can put his/her best work on display, engaging and creating a continuous exchange with the people gathered around. Anybody can watch the artisan gelato being prepared, get to know and experience the process first-hand.


Product Inquiry

PopApp is a compact space, a workstation  containing everything you need to produce, preserve, display and sell artisan gelato. As  functional as an app, it opens with simple movements. It is like the pop-up that performs magic in a children’s book.

PopApp is a project for new opportunities and for horizons yet to imagine.

It is versatile, adaptable to the most diverse environments and customizable. It can be fitted into a public place, a temporary store, hotels,  restaurants, large commercial areas.

Features IFI's panorama (4 seasons) technology

An overall size of just 7750 in² when open, independent water system and a 230 V electrical outlet. PopApp provides freedom of installation that combines with its internal technologies:  from Panorama® for gelato display and preservation to all the components it discloses. PopApp’s surface is made of K-LIFE, a material that is warm to the touch and similar to natural stone. With active  antibacterial properties, durable and easy to clean, it is an ecological and 100% recyclable coating.
Display case with Panorama technology (4 seasons)


  • Tap
  • Hygienic and anti-bacterial Worktop (K-LIFE)
  • Single-compartment cell with adjustable temperature
  • Space to fit a batch freezer
  • LED lighting
  • Compartments
  • Electrical sockets
  • Neutral topping containers
  • Wheels for movement
  • Lockable



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Why choose PopApp?

Make up your PopApp

Choose from the many possible customizations: Leader cells and Panorama module with the possibility to switch from negative temperature -18°C to positive temperature +4°C/+8°C allow you to always choose the type of products you want to display.

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The ideal composition

PopApp is comprised of 3 interlocking elements, two mobile and one fixed, and is completely self-sufficient also thanks to the internal water system. You just need to power it in!


Maximum durability

The supporting structure, made from steel tubular with polyester powder coating, and the stainless steel guides of modules and surfaces ensure durability over time and the utmost sturdiness of PopApp.