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Artisan Gelato Case Study

Jefferson's | London

Artisan Gelato Case Study

Entering Jefferson's Glorious Ice Cream shop on Balham High Road is a visual delight!

The contemporary design, complementary colour scheme and clean lines of the store give way to a stunning pozetti with ice cream flavours in abudance.


Only three months into trading and already, the coffee and ice cream shop is proving popular. With fitness classes running in the outdoor area, remote workers enjoying excellent coffee, ice cream shakes and waffles plus the most amazing selection of extraordinary ice cream, Jefferson's has really appealed to all demographics within the local neighbourhood.


Celine and Christopher Thompson, founders of Jefferson's left the corporate world of property and embarked on a new career centred around ice cream.

"Several years ago, I was making ice cream at home for my son who had certain dietary requirements," explains Celine. "I used only natural ingredients to create a dense, creamy ice cream with intense flavours; how ice cream used to taste. From this, Christopher and I launched ourselves into months of research to find the best ice cream, the best recipes, the best equipment, training - just learning everything to do with ice cream."


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