Important Ice Cream Facts you may not know as an Ice Cream Lover
Do you think you know everything you could know about ice cream? Do you love ice cream whatever the weather? How much ice cream do you think you eat in a year? What is everyone’s favourite ice cream flavour? The below facts may answer some of these questions.
Here are our Top 10 Ice Cream Facts:
- July 20th is National Ice Cream Day so make sure you treat yourself to an ice cream on this date.
- Ice Cream IS healthy and in reality most ice cream today only contains around 5% fat and includes plenty of calcium, minerals and vitamins. Maybe it should count as one of your 5 a day!
- It takes an average of 50 licks to polish off a single-scoop ice cream cone. Maybe try and count next time you have an ice cream!
- Italo Marchiony sold his homemade ice cream from a pushcart on Wall Street. He reduced his overhead caused by customers breaking or wandering off with his serving glasses by baking edible waffle cups with sloping sides and a flat bottom. He patented his idea of edible ice cream cups in 1903
- Men are more likely to choose ice cream as a dessert than women! Is this the case in your family?
- Every person in the UK eats an average of 9 litres of ice cream every year! Can you believe the Scandinavians eat more than us even with their weather and Americans top the chart, eating 20 litres of ice cream in a year! How much ice cream do you think you eat in a year?
- An average dairy cow produces enough milk in their lifetime to make over 9,000 gallons of ice cream
- Today’s flavours are ever becoming more and more adventurous and include lots of new savoury flavours such as Smoked Bacon and Egg, Black Pepper, Chilli and even Black Pudding. Ice cream is now even made using beer such as Newcastle Brown! What flavour would you like if you could have any flavour you wanted in the world?
- During the late 19th century Ice Cream Sundaes were created when it became illegal to sell ice cream with flavoured soda on a Sunday in America. Some ice cream sellers got around it by serving it with syrup and calling it an ‘Ice Cream Sunday’. Eventually, the ‘y’ got replaced with an ‘e’ to avoid upsetting religious leaders
- The biggest ever ice cream sundae was made in Canada in 1988 and weighed in at over 24 tonnes
(None of these facts can be confirmed as being 100% true but we hope you had fun reading them)
Carpigiani have representatives throughout the UK and they remain at the forefront of technical innovation, advancement and expertise in ice cream machines, equipment and the services they offer. Their in-house Customer Service Team can answer any query you may have or advise you on the best ice cream or gelato machine for your business. Give us a call today on 01432 818485.