Kreme de la kreme – Carpiagiani’s work with Krispy Kreme on their new range of soft serve

We are proud to announce that Krispy Kremes soft serve is now available in 17 of their stores across the UK, in the classic and unmistakable sugar glazed donut flavour. Read on to find out how they created this new flavour and how the Carpigiani 161...

The Weirdest Flavoured Ice Cream

Weirdest Flavoured Ice Cream Discussed by Carpigiani UK

Did you know that Ice Cream generates over £1bn for the UK Economy? We all love an ice cream, whether it’s in the summer or winter and believe us the ice cream market really is booming. There...

A-Z of Ice Cream Flavours

Could you complete an A-Z of Ice Cream Flavours?

We have tried our best but may have missed some Ice Cream Flavours (hopefully not the obvious ones), we have some letters and flavours missing….can you help us fill the gaps?


A-Z of Ice Cream Flavours

Could you complete an A-Z of Ice Cream Flavours? We have tried our best but may have missed some Ice Cream Flavours (hopefully not the obvious ones), we have some...
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Is there much Profit in Ice Cream?

What is the Potential for Ice Cream Profit? Is there really that much potential for ice cream profit for your business? Find out more from Carpigiani the Number 1...
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5 Ways To Differentiate Your Coffee Shop From The Competition

Look down any high street, in any UK town or city, and you will normally see a good number of coffee shops.
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Heatwave Help Guide

With weather forecasts indicating a heatwave maybe due over the coming days, this can bring an excellent increase in sales opportunities. However, these warmer weather...
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